Simple overview: This story is basically the same conceptually as the server status story with the core difference that this automatically receives any news posted to a specific/specified Google alert RSS feed for any updates to those feeds. Once an update is triggered, it will receive the feed, parse the feed for relevant data and collect snippet information. The story will then proceed to send that snippet data to my choice (in this case community social text channel), which would include date of update in the RSS feed, the date it was sent to my channel, the title of the update, a snippet of the update content, and a link to the full posting.

While conceptually the same as the server status story, this project did involve the additional step of setting up a google alert RSS feed that was triggered anytime a new google search result triggered based of specified search keywords. This story was originally created along with the server status update to gain more practice using Tines with simple HTTP requests. The core “issue” I wanted to solve with this story was a group of friends and I occasionally play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with booster course add on. During the time of story creation, not all of the planned booster pack content had been released yet, so this story would automatically check google search results for anything recent pertaining to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe booster course releases. In this case, my group of friends and I would know virtually instantly when a release date was set and/or any surprise releases of new courses so we could then play them instead of manually checking each day.

This story could easily be used for other similar purposes such as following artists/products for any news, surprise launches/updates/announces/etc. and you would be notified virtually as soon as a recent article would come up via google search based on those keywords.

The main issue I have with this story is that it doesn’t currently differentiate between articles from different sources, so you could receive multiple notifications from different articles about the same topic. It is also a little finnicky sometimes with keyword detection, but that hasn’t been too big or frequent an issue in my experience.

This story is also being used to post a handful of YouTube channels for new video posts. The notification received from those include the channel name, title of video, date it was posted, date it was sent as an update, as well as an embedding of the video.


Concepts this Tines story uses:

  • HTTP GET/POST requests
  • JSON formatting / parsing
  • Standard if/else checks
  • dedupe
  • Google alerts RSS feed setup

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